Old Fulton Fish Market


originally uploaded by triscribe.

Still working on the Hawaii summary, however on Sunday I took pictures of the the remnants of the old Fulton Fish Market, which closed Saturday to move to Hunts Point in the Bronx. They’re still taking old signs down, and baiting the whole place for rats. It will probably be a biohazard for at least a few months.

0 thoughts on “Old Fulton Fish Market”

  1. Biohazard for months indeed – there was this quote in the newspapers from a Fulton Fish Market person saying that it was well past time to move, since he was seeing brown water and a rat running by his shoe during the final days of Fulton Fish Market. But, it is weird that something so historic and such a part of city life is empty! And, really, what in the city isn’t a biohazard? 😉

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