Month: November 2011
Black Friday Rampage
Happy Thanksgiving 2011!
Some links. Don’t overeat, if you can. Be grateful for what we have. Keep hope for what we don’t have. Be well.
Visual history of the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade over at
Mark Bittman at the NY Times had some cool links for Thanksgiving Eve (although we can still chew them today).
Time Out New York on the stats behind the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade.
Past Triscribe Thanksgiving posts, for your viewing/reading pleasure:
A little Coldplay…
A couple of other videos (including a Muppet one! and a clip of the Simpsons’ Thanksgiving) and links from Thanksgiving 2009 (and more).
Thanksgiving 2008 had the nice quote: “If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, ‘thank you,’ that would suffice.” – Meister Eckhart.
FC on good eating and shopping in Thanksgiving 2007.
Thanksgiving 2007: I linked to the NY Times’ Thanksgiving links and YC sent good wishes from Taipei.
Thanksgiving 2006: More food and thoughts from FC.
Thanksgiving 2005: a post from FC and a law-related Thanksgiving post from me, and a Thanksgiving Sunday post from me, along with a Beijing post from YC. Oh, and while this one had Nightline on Tuesdays with Morrie and a Thanksgiving intro to Ted Koppel-less Nightline, FC also makes it a “Lost” Thanksgiving.
Thanksgiving 2004: warm thoughts from me. If you check posts around that post, you get great stuff from us at triscribe.
Thanksgiving 2003: then as now, the post-parade dog show gets referenced (yes, it’s on the tv RIGHT NOW).