
Not that immediate, but Malaysia and NJ would be areas I’d be posting from. To make it more geographically diverse, SE Asia may be a better catch-all… in case we may be in Singapore or Manila.

So has any one tried out the bookmarklet/toolbar thinggy? I remember in the first incarnation, I couldn’t figure it out to use it, but theoretically it’s a neato feature for me when I’m surfing and feel compelled to blather about it…


Ch Ch Ch Changes

Responding to YC’s entry, I was working on tweaking the new template. The old font was Garamond, and I put it back that way. The Veranda stuff is the default. The sans serif font is now Futura (for those that have it — otherwise it’s your generic Sans system font), which I think I like better, too. I also threw in a darker red for the titles and the links to make them stand out more. The stylesheet is a bit more complicated than the last one, so I’m going cautiously.

About Triscribe

[This post is here so that I can link to it from the right column.]

This is an experiment in creating a writing community, partially to satisfy a New Year’s resolution that I made at the end of 2003, partially to keep tabs on my friends and have friends keep tabs on what I have been doing. While there is no expection that all writers will blog every day, the variety of writers should come up with something new on a daily basis.

House Rules
Member Authors

  • Are of Asian/Pacific Islander heritage
  • Hold a degree in law (JD or LLB)
  • Are invited to join by me (FC). If you know me in real life and would like to receive an invitation, register here and I’ll give you writing privileges.

Writing Guidelines

  • Any topic is fair game
  • Authors may not publically identify other member authors or any person not in the public view (i.e. significant others). Using first initials, pen names or call signs are ok.
  • Authors own their writings, and the writings are the authors’ own viewpoints
  • No gratuitous profanity
  • I am pretty laissez faire about free expression and will avoid editing writings, but I own the website, and can choose to not publish or to unpublish anything for any reason

That is all. Thanks for visiting and for your support. FC