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Don’t screw a lawyer

Happy B-day ssw15, co-poster in crime 😀

So, talk about having your head up your ass: Are Lawyers Being Overbilled for Their Test Preparation? Why do that to lawyers? Is that like asking for it???

At least now I know what happened to West Bar Review 😀

Today, did a good thing. We helped a couple get their Taiwan visa immigration papers accepted. Taiwanese government is just really racist and for two years, this couple wasn’t allowed to change status despite trying to do everything the government requested. The problems were (1) one spouse was Filipino which is an undesirable in Taiwan and (2) the government had their heads up their asses and no one knew how to interprete the law. The couple called us and whamo, we got it done. It was hard though and touch and go. But still….. *sigh*

Taiwan’s 3-in-1 elections was done yesterday. Election reading can be had at the Pan-Green (DPP) mouth piece Taipei Times. If the election rout was any more complete, the DPP would’ve been swimming in the South China sea. Losing Ilan and Chiayi must really hurt the DPP as those were both so key to the DPP and anti-KMT that you could say those places were like what Boston and Lexington was to the American Revolution.

It’s finally winter here in Taipei. Ugh.

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