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Going Nowhere

I was out cold today because I caught P-‘s cold. Woke up with a splitting headache, so I took the day off and spent most of the day couched out and watching random things on TV, which turned out to be Discovery Channel.

On to the recaps… Amazing Race: Family Edition looks like it’s a very different Amazing Race. It looks like they are going to spend a lot of time in the U.S. That’s perfectly fine — many parts of the U.S. might as well be another country. They could barely figure how to get onto the Brooklyn Bridge, and they started the race under its shadow. Then, they were sent to the Delaware River in New Jersey, and then Amish country. I also think that 4 person teams allow for interesting activities that require more musclepower than 2 person teams. The buggy task was one clever task where a 2 adult, 2 child team had an advantage over a 4 adult team.

That brings up the continual gripe about the lack of minority participants in the Amazing Race. The only minority team, the Black family (that’s their last name, I’m not making it up) was eliminated by a very small margin. Where’s the Hispanic team? Where’s the Asian team?

On the other tuner, I watched Commander in Chief, ABC’s new series about a woman U.S. Vice President that assumes the presidency unexpectantly. A number of opinion writers in Slate and the Washington Post have mentioned, and I agree — why are our TV presidents so much better than our real ones? This is a series to watch.

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