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The Day Before The Day Before

Friday was the day that lasted the week. It included purchasing a burial plot for my parents, recovering the car from the movie people (they dumped it 9 blocks away with a $45 fine — boycott the movie version of RENT, folks), going to the funeral home.

Saturday was spent finding where the Kings County Morgue is to release the body to the funeral home people as well as getting appropriate clothes.

Sunday my bro came in. I bought Italian cross buns after receiving visions of baked goods, I kid you not.

Monday was when all of the final arrangements were made. It took three hours. More Italian food. Emails went to everyone.

Today was spent taking care of paperwork for my mom, and scraping up the cash for Thursday and Friday. Going to the airport to pick up my mom’s relatives.

I’m OK mostly because P– has been propping me up. Every other hour the sadness wells up and I have to force it back down before it gushes out uncontrollably. I still have to work on the eulogy tonight.

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