Writing wirelessly

After three years with my trusty Nokia 4 TDMA phone, I’m trying out the 6820, the one with the
built in qwerty keyboard. It takes a little getting used to – the keys are really tiny, so you have to use the middle of your thumbs to hit them, but I can get much more throughput than the tap three times SMS. Let’s see how this will work on the road. Seven days to my personal Amazing Race.

About that Speech

Normally, I try not to get too political on Triscribe. (I’ll leave the political correspondence to SSW). I would like to think of myself (and I think most Americans would) as being both conservative and progressive (the “in” version of liberal). It’s not a contradiction — it’s a reflection of how the political parties have polarized themselves in such a way that the libertarian “middle class” of political actors are shrinking and are shut out (but are now part of that coveted 4% of the electorate that are swing votes).

Bill Clinton in defending the economic “middle class” made several really good points in his Monday speech. By even the yardstick of Republican values, W really has performed poorly. Fiscal conservative? Blown away the surplus and put us back 10 years. International isolationist? We just knocked over 2 countries, and managed to annoy a dozen others. Libertarianism? How about the Patriot Act and CAPPS II? I’m not yet convinced about Kerry, but he’s better at being a Democrat than Bush is at being a Republican.