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Law Stuff

Sometimes I wonder where the Daily News gets their stories: a lawyer who loves being in parades.

Are blawgs dead?
I’d say no, but then again, I’m not exactly a follower of blawgs and I’m still wondering about the state of the newspaper business.

Getting ready for the Senate hearings on the confirmation of Judge Sotomayor (or, at least, tolerate the Senators’ bloviating and bad questions) this week; Slate’s Dahlia Lithwick with the preview. An even more in depth preview from National Law Journal’s Marcia Coyle

Hat tip from a friend/colleague of mine – link to this moving story in the NY Times, about Lloyd Gaines, who sued to enter the U of Missouri Law School during the segregation era, and then disappeared after winning the case in the US Supreme Court. A timely reminder about law’s impact on lives and the role of the NAACP, in time for NAACP’s 100th anniversary.

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