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100 Days of the Obama Administration

… and counting. Being president ain’t an easy job, when you’re talking about how you’re taking on a dizzying array of problems. You wear a lot of hats while standing behind that podium – giving legal advice, keeping us calm, and telling us to use our common sense and wash our hands and things like that.

Plus, maybe – just maybe – you have to select a US Supreme Court justice. Are the rumors and/or reports true regarding Justice Souter? We’ll see.

Oh, and I liked how President Obama answered NY Times’ Jeff Zeleny’s four part question (what’s been most surprising/enchanting/humbling/troubling in the past 100 days). Zeleny kind of cheated though – you might think you only have question, but the fact that it was a four part one made it more like four questions!

But, seriously – 100 days is ridiculously arbitrary; there’s still a long way to go and this has only been a beginning.

“Lost” – umm, the one really good thing about the president’s press conference was that it ended on time for “Lost,” for the 100th episode (weird how the number “100” kept cropping up). It seemed like a solid but sad episode. I’m confused as ever; this is “Lost,” after all.

Swine flu – aka 2009 H1N1 flu – don’t blame the pig; don’t blame Mexico; blame science (or evolution, specifically).

And, maybe people shouldn’t overreact about it. Really. It’s not healthy to go nuts over something that isn’t nuts yet (in the USA anyway).

A profile on Dr. Richard Besser, CDC’s acting director, whose calmness and rational presentation on the whole H1N1 flu has been pretty solid, I think.

And there’s also the profile on Dr. Thomas Friedan, commissioner of NYC’s own Dept. of Health and Mental Hygiene (although everyone just calls it Dept. of Health, because “and Mental Hygiene” is a mouthful). He’s sort of a public scold sometimes (his campaign against transfat and putting calories everywhere can be a bit irritating), but I don’t question the sincerity of keeping us all healthy. Kind of interesting that he’s been suggested as a permanent CDC director (political appointee position, I think, serving at the pleasure of the President), considering that the agency was an old stomping ground of his. Not sure what the selection of a permanent CDC director may mean for Dr. Besser, but it’s not a bad thing at all that the USA has some good doctors, nurses, and other health care providers and administrators dealing with this.

David Letterman‘s been strange of late with his sore throat. But on 4/30/09 – kind of cool that he had the cast from the latest “Hair” – a recall to how the original “Hair” cast had been in the Ed Sullivan Theater back on the Ed Sullivan show. History repeats itself, apparently.

Ah, and yes, as I said I would do, here’s an embed of one of Craig Ferguson’s pig puppet monologue… too funny…

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