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Daylight Saving’s Eve

Umm, yeah – is anyone that eager about losing an hour three weeks earlier than it has been? Slate’s Explainer explains why daylight saving’s supposedly saves anything. Personally, I thought the article was interesting for how history has treated the concept – can you imagine that during World War Two, there was a year-long hour ahead? If time is so arbitrary (after all, when they changed to the Gregorian calendar, they gained a whole week), how do we really know it’s X o’clock? Hell, we’re living in the Anno Domini era only because of a certain cultural dominance – the cultural-neutral way of saying “Common Era” just sounds nice, that’s all.

I’ll concede that we might as well have the extra hour now, since it’s getting brighter longer each day (kind of weird to leave the office at the end of the day and see light in the sky). But, we won’t fall back the hour until November? Now that’s pointless – by then, it’ll be dark by 4pm even without falling back, so why not just stay falling back in October? Oh, well, no one says that Congress has sense, not when the lobbyists are behind this anyway.

A look at the Chinese Jew’s bat mitzvah . Hmm. Interesting.

Hmm. Is there something wrong that the U.S. Supreme Court clerk get signing bonuses wind up earning more money by joining Big Firm after their time with the Court is done? I don’t know, but if the clerks just sign and go for the money and then, once their two years with the Big Firm is done, go for academia or public service/public interest anyway, well, it just reflects the insanity of the Big Firms’ mentality. They’re throwing money and hope they still get something out of it. But, I just feel funny that all that money goes toward lawyers in the private sector and meanwhile public schools need help and the world generally sucks. There’s just something that doesn’t add up to me.

Speaking of the Supreme Court, it turns out Justice Kennedy has a thing for Shakespeare, and so he came to develop “The Trial of Hamlet” and will be presiding it in D.C. during the Shakespeare festival. Cool – a mock trial of whether Hamlet should be responsible for killing Polonious, when he wasn’t even in his right mind? Sounds like fun.

And, on a non-legal, non-anything note: The Springfields of USA are vying to be the location for the Simpsons movie premiere. Uh, okey-dokey – good luck!

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