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Old, New

New: Upgraded the blogging software to 1.5. There are some new things behind the scenes, and some neato templates, which I’ve changed to here. I’ll be working on changing the picture to something more mine, and get the location thing working again. Please point out anything seriously wrong.

Old: Interesting new book I saw at the Union Square Barnes and Noble called Hong Kong Apothecary: A Visual History of Chinese Medicine Packaging. It’s the first comprehensive look at Chinese medicine production that I’ve seen in English, and it is incredibly facinating. The meanings of the fancy mysterious boxes are revealed.

Today, I went into the city to help plan the annual Asian picnic. I spent most of the time in the East Village going up Broadway to Union Square. Meantime, the Gay Pride parade is going on Fifth Avenue, as well as a Billy Graham christian crusade in Flushing. Barely a sign any of it is going on with probably upwards of 100,000 people involved between the two events. New York is the only place this kind of thing could happen.

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