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It’s a Bat Sign

Got an autographed copy of “Arthur Schwartz’s New York City Food” at A Cook’s Companion on Atlantic Avenue. I haven’t read the entire book, but it seems to be pretty complete – he even has my godmother’s spaghetti and meatballs recipe on page 170.

Batman Begins is really a superior movie to all of the others. There was one continuity error (or difference) about who exactly is the killer of Bruce Wayne’s parents versus the previous movies or the comics, but this explaination is much, much deeper. Definately some inspired casting choices. Recommended.

On the other hand, saw the trailer for the Dukes of Hazard movie — besides the question of why?what about the casting: Jessica Simpson as Daisy Duke, Burt Reynolds as Boss Hogg, or Willie Nelson as Uncle Jessie? Obviously, their careers are headed for a dead end, good buddy.

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