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Snowy day where nothing’s closed after all

NY Times’ Quotation of the day:

“We are about to embark on what is arguably the coolest geologic field trip in history.”
DR. STEVEN W. SQUYRES, the Mars mission’s principal science investigator.

See also corresponding article. I wouldn’t think that the words “cool” and “geologic field trip” would go together, but Mars is a different world, after all.

I was actually watching a little “Smallville” tonight. Could it be – a hint of Batman – is the character making an appearance? (my favorite superhero anyway)….

The NYC snow texture was something like those Dunkin’ Donut white powder doughnut – fluffy and crumbly. On unshoveled sidewalks in Brooklyn this morning, it was ankle deep. Not that bad a commute though. In Manhattan, it’s slushy muck, with the sidewalks looking nothing like it is in Brooklyn.

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