Other Stuff

Harvard becomes the 4th Ivy League school to have a woman president: Drew Gilpin Faust. Dr. Faust was interviewed on Lehrer’s Newshour on Monday night – and she noted that her being a historian is a plus. The journey toward the future continues.

Of course, I shall not be speaking for my undergraduate Alma Mater University; but I have to believe that one day, we too will have a woman president, sure. But, diversity in academia is still a work in progress.

Monday: I’m a bit behind on “Heroes,” having taped it and then just watched fleetingly by fast-forwarding through the storylines that I didn’t really care for (not that they’re bad storylines; they’re just not on my radar for the time being). Of note:
Hiro and Ando, the time-space bending guy and his sidekick, had a weird situation, now that they’re back in Las Vegas – but it was kind of a weak matter for them (if anything, Ando learns that falling for tall blondes may be dangerous for his and Hiro’s health).
I really find the Claire the Cheerleader storyline to be sincere and poignant – so she finds her bio-mom; bio-mom lacks some morals (well, if you go with the white trailer-park trash stereotype, hmm – surely there’s more to Meredith than that – and no, I hope she’s not Evil either); her bio-dad doesn’t want to meet her (or at least he says he doesn’t – but he’s clearly torn, because maybe he actually is a decent guy – still can’t be sure, because he’s a lawyer (oops) and a politician dealing with the final leg of his campaign (more oops)); her adopted dad – Glasses Man – well, he’s not terribly understanding toward her these days (no, not when he had let loose the Big Evil Mutant Man); and her adopted mom is suffering from severe memory loss (no thanks to Glasses Man’s mind-erasing Haitian sidekick, who erased Mrs. Bennett’s mind because Glasses Man thinks that’s the way to protect his family; yeah, right).

NBC’s sneak previews of the next episode of “Heroes” was irritating for hinting a little too obviously about who will die next. At least, I’m making my guess about Mrs. Bennett’s fate; I could be wrong. But, then again, I wasn’t surprised about who turned out to be Claire’s bio-dad; NBC has really got to avoid assigning the previews to the Promotions department – you’re not supposed to give away too much!
Also behind on “House” – got home too late, but managed to catch the end of Tuesday’s episode. House is still a basket-case jerk. I don’t believe him when he thinks he’ll find a way to end his pain (the physical pain; God only knows if his emotional pain will ever heal) – in the end, he uses his pain to define him and let him do what he will.

I liked that the episode made the three younger doctors a little interesting again – Foreman wonders if a doctor’s life really has room for a love life (umm, well, first, don’t take lessons from Dr. House about that). Cameron seems to be more willing to satisfy her physical needs rather than her desire for love – so she targets Chase. Chase, who once again proves why he’s a seminary school dropout, doesn’t seem too bothered that Cameron wants to have sex with him with no strings attached (mind you, they did that last season and she was foolish and vulnerable and he was – well – a fool (although he still strikes me as a guy who would find a way to make strings attach)). In real life, the actors who play Chase and Cameron are apparently engaged to each other – so it’s amusing.

However, FOX’s previews indicate that Cameron still has a fondness for House, though; sigh – get over him, Cameron!
See if snow will be anything at all in NYC; likely just a slippery mess. We are so not Oswego or anywhere upstate with the 10ft of snow…